Bee Studies 2012, Vol 4, Num, 2     (Pages: 003-007)

Arı Genotiplerinin Değerlendirilmesinde Moleküler Genetik Tekniklerin Kullanımı

Ahmet OKUMUŞ 1 ,Feyzullah KONAK 2 ,Ümit KAYABOYNU 2 ,Fatih BİLGİ 1

1 Tarımsal Biyoteknoloji Bölümü, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Samsun
2 Arıcılık Araştırma İstasyonu Müdürlüğü, Ordu
Viewed : 1794 - Downloaded : 837 The honeybee production is to come into question as one of the most important economical sources in our country as being in the world. Up to date, twentyseven honeybee breeds are used for this purposes in the world. In Turkey, it is known that honeybee breeds are spreaded according to regions; Apis mellifera anatolica at the sea side of Trakya, Eagen, Anatolia ve Mediterranean; A. m. caucasica at the sea side of Northeast of Anatolia and east blacksea; A.m. meda (iranian honeybee) at eastsouth of Anatolia region. In addition, it is talked about the exist of honeybee breeds of east Eagen islands, Muğla and Thrace and Syria (A.m. syriaca). On these honeybee breeds as enunciative of genetic resources, a lot of various were done studies as consisting of high value of information on the yield, genetic distances etc. The results of these studies are not said all Turkey honeybee populations are identical because of the regional different honeybee clonies. However, the solution of the problems occuring at the honeybee production is related to unsufficent usage of the genetic resources. Recently, biotechnological advances as parallel into morphological studies done on the other organisms are hoped to show valuable developments at the honeybee breeding for higher yield. At the honeybee breeding, the importance of honeybee genetic resources is thought to come from the genes related to resistance to diseases, yield etc. Using these genes can be possible to solve the problems of honeybee production such as breeding resistance breeds against American foulbrood and varroa problems. In our country, there is no any comprehensive study exhibiting the genome profile of honeybee genotypes, yet. From the angle of utilization of genetic resources, molecular techniques are used to get more genetic information about genomes. The widest used molecular techniques are microsatellite, RFLP, mtDNA studies and SNP sequences. We need more bioinformatics on Turkish honeybee breeds making genome DNA sequence mapping. Keywords :