Bee Studies 2017, Vol 9, Num, 2     (Pages: 063-067)


Ümit KARATAŞ 1 ,Samet OKUYAN 2 ,Ömer YILMAZ 3

1 Arıcılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Ordu, Türkiye
2 Bangor Üniversity, School of Environment, Nature Resource and Geography, Welsh, Bangor
3 Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Türkiye
Viewed : 2255 - Downloaded : 883 In this study, the amount of zinc sulfate which passes into the royal jelly by feeding the colonies of apis mellifera with zinc was searched. The research was done at the apiary of Ordu Apiary Research Center. With this purpose, the research was carried with 75 colonies in total as 25 initiator colonies and 50 support colonies. 10-frames colonies with the young queen and the worker bee at the equal power were used, belonging to the region of Ordu in the research.. The testing colonies were equalized in terms of the number of frames with bee and the area with young at the beginning, and they were separated into 5 groups as 5-colonies for each of the groups and randomly. The groups are; the control group was separated as 1 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm , and 20 ppm. 2 pieces of the support colonies were used for each of the initiator colonies. The box syrups were used to feed the colonies. The syrup which was prepared was given as 1 lt to each of the colonies everyday. The powder sugar and ZnSO4 which will be the feed material of the research were supplied by a commercial firm. 90 larva transfer in total were done as 2 frames and 45 larvas in each frame for each of the initiators. The budding was done for 4 weeks in total as three times in a week and 6750 buddings for each week. The royal jelly which was obtained from each harvest from the colonies was put separately into the dark-coloured bottles by the woody spoon for each of Zinc analysis, the number of beehives and the day of harvest were labelled onto the surface. The royal jelly was brought to the laboratories in the deep freeze thermos bottles under +4ºC and it was kept in -18°C deep freeze until it was analyzed without the deterioration of cold chain. The amount of zinc in the royal jelly was reviewed in the research. The results of the research showed that the zinc addiction at the different levels in the syrup did not affect the amount of zinc in the royal jelly (p>0.001). Keywords : Honey Bee, Royal Jelly, Zn, Supplementary feeding