Bee Studies 2022, Vol 14, Num, 2     (Pages: 055-061)

Analysis of Honey Export Potential and Competitiveness of Türkiye

Gökhan Akdeniz 1 ,Ali Kantar 1

1 Aegean Agricultural Research Institute, Apiculture Research Center, İzmir, Türkiye DOI : 10.51458/BSTD.2022.29 Viewed : 1366 - Downloaded : 1195 The rich vegetation of Türkiye, different climatic zones and honey bee gene resources make the country`s beekeeping activities advantageous. Türkiye has an important potential with the presence of colonies and honey production. In 2021, 96344 tons of honey was produced with 8733394 colonies, and 9994 tons of honey was exported to 66 countries for 31148000 dollars. This study was designed to reveal the honey export structure and competitiveness of Türkiye in the 2002-2021 period. In Türkiye`s honey trade, the USA (29.64%), Germany (22.32%) and Spain (7.22%) are the main importing countries. It has been determined that Türkiye is a net exporter country in the 2002–2021 periods. Türkiye is predominantly a country with medium and weak comperative advantage. The Revealed Comparative Advantages (RCA), Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantages (RSCA), Trade Balance (TBI) values calculated with Türkiye`s 2021 data was found 1.13, 0.06 and 0.98 respectively. These values show that Türkiye is a net exporter and a highly competitive country with a declared comparative advantage. Providing Türkiye`s access to rapidly growing markets in direct proportion to its beekeeping capacity and potential will make Türkiye a more competitive country. Keywords : Honey export Competitiveness RCA RSCA TBI