Bee Studies 2021, Vol 13, Num, 2     (Pages: 039-042)

A Seasonal Perspective of Nosemosis; the Presence of Nosema spp. in Honeybee Colonies During Summer Months in Ankara, Turkey

Ahmet Mahmut ALPEREN 1 ,Sedat SEVİN 2 ,Nafiye KOÇ 3

1 Ankara University, Veterinary Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
2 Ankara University, Veterinary Medicine Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ankara, Turkey
3 Ankara University, Veterinary Medicine Department of Department of Parasitology, Ankara, Turkey
DOI : 10.51458/BSTD.2021.16 Viewed : 3492 - Downloaded : 1033 Nosemosis is known as a serious disease of adult honey bees, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) caused by Nosema apis and N. ceranae which are obligate intracellular microsporidian parasites. The parasites infect the epithelial cells of honey bee ventriculum and lead to critical changes in midgut mucosa that cause digestive and metabolic disorders. Accordingly, the infestation causes the death of adult honey bees and leads to great economic losses for beekeeping industry worldwide. Seasonal patterns of nosemosis are consistent and mostly observed in the spring or autumn months, with the highest spore counts and viability. The aim of this work was to evaluate the seasonality of nosemosis in the light of previous literature and specifically investigate the presence of Nosema spp. during the summer season including June, July, and August from various locations in Ankara. Honey bee individuals were collected from 80 apiaries located in 14 different areas in Ankara. The samples were analyzed from pools of ten adult honey bees per population using digestion methods. Before analysis, the anesthesia was induced by cold (30 sec, -80 ℃) on the bees. According to obtained data, 12 out of 80 (15%) sampled apiaries were infected with Nosema spp. spores. Infected apiaries were mainly located in the central and north parts of Ankara. Results show nosemosis might be detrimental to honey bee colonies and its productivity in the summer months. Therefore, the treatment might be needed when infections of Nosema spp. reach to an infectious level even in summer. Keywords : Apis mellifera L. Nosema spp. Seasonal effect Summer Ankara