Bee Studies 2018, Vol 10, Num, 2     (Pages: 054-060)

Does Imidacloprid Cause Winter Losses In Honey Bees?

Ahmed KARAHAN 1 ,Fatih YILDIRIM 2 ,Merve KARAHAN 3 ,İsmail KARACA 4

1 Çobanlar Tarım ve Orman İlçe Müdürlüğü, Afyonkarahisar
2 Ereğli Tarım ve Orman İlçe Müdürlüğü, Konya
3 Işıklar Şeker Ortaokulu, İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmenliği, Afyonkarahisar
4 Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, Tarım Bilimleri ve Teknolojileri Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Isparta
Viewed : 1793 - Downloaded : 976 Although bee deaths have been a popular topic in recent years, the causes of bee losses cannot be explained tangibly. Although it is stated that there are many causes of these deaths, it is estimated that pesticides which are used for agricultural purposes are the biggest causes of deaths. Bee losses are seen at the end of winter and early spring. In this study, it has been investigated that the effect of imidacloprid active ingredient agricultural war drug from the neonicotinoid group on Anatolian honey bee (Apis mellifera anatoliaca) In the study, 5 ml / 100 L water and 6 different doses of this dose are diluted 50% (2.5 ml / 100 L water, 1,25 ml / 100 L water, 0,625 ml / 100 L water, 0,312 ml / 100 L water, 0.115 ml / 100 L water). At the end of the study, 75.66 % of the honey bees applied at different doses of imidaxloprid died, while 49 % of the control bees died. In this study, it was observed that the bees that imidacloprid is applied has incured more winter losses than the control group bees. Deaths in the control group; in addition to pesticides in the winter loss, there are also different factors. Keywords : Apis mellifera Neonicotinoids, Imidacloprid, Bee deaths, Winter losses