Bee Studies 2019, Vol 11, Num, 1     (Pages: 021-027)

Pollen Activity of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.)

Şeref CINBIRTOGLU 1 ,Feyzullah KONAK 1 ,Recep SIRALI 2 ,Gürkan DEMİRKOL 3

1 Arıcılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Dedeli Kampüsü, 52200 Altınordu, Ordu /Türkiye
2 Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi, 59030 Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ/Türkiye
3 Ordu Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 52200 Altınordu, Ordu/Türkiye
Viewed : 2320 - Downloaded : 1302 This study was conducted in order to determine the flowering plants having importance for pollen source in honey bees in the natural habitat of Ordu, Altınordu, Dedeli area.

In the starting time of flight activity, in the flowering period of March, April and May, pollen traps were attached to 3 colonies between the time of 07:00-15:00. In this period, the reference preparations were prepared with pollens that were taken from flowers in the flora. Plant species of pollens collected from traps were determined with reference preparations via microscopic examination.

156 species belonging 54 families were determined with two-year study in the study area. It was determined that honey bees exhibited pollen activity from 24 plant taxa belonging to 24 families in the first year and 15 families and 17 plant taxa in the second year. Colonies prefered with secondary level (16-45%) the pollens of Ornithogalum sp. in March, Juglans regia L. in April, Diospyros lotus L. in May.

The findings of this study reveal that pollen plant species of each flora are different from the previous studies and that pollen preference levels vary by bees. Keywords : Family, Flora, Ordu, Taxon