Bee Studies
2012, Vol 4, Num, 1 (Pages: 023-026)
The Effective of Varroa (varroa destructor) Population Level on Wintering Ability and Survival Rates of None-treated Honeybee Colonies in Trace Region
Devrim OSKAY 1 ,Metin KOCAMAN 1 ,Zeynep ÇOLAK 1 ,Sinan HACIOĞLU 1 ,Ömer Sefa ÖZÇOBAN 1 ,Onur Görkem AKYOL 1 ,Mehmet ORHAN 1
1 Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi / Tekirdağ
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The development of Varroa destructor population
dynamics in none-treated honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies
was monitored from October 2011 to March 2012 in Trace region,
Turkey. A correlation between the mite infestation level, the colony
wintering ability and survival rates was evaluated. Sticky boards
were placed on the bottom boards of each colony to collect fallen
mites. Infestation of Varroa in adults was measured ones a week
during the winter. The condition of the colonies was evaluated
by measuring the amount of adult bees. Our results consistently showed that fallen mite level in autumn significantly higher than
winter in all colony`s sticky boards (P<0.001). We found that fallen
mite level significantly different among colonies in the autumn and
winter time (P<0.001). Survival rate of wintering colonies is %76,4.
High level wintering ability of colonies showed that low fallen mite
level on sticky boards.
Keywords :
Varroa, honeybee, overwintering, Survival Rates, Wintering Ability